1. Budget Planning, Preparation and Maintenance
. 1a. Budget Workbook for Districts
. 1b. Budget Workbook for Charters
2. Internal Controls
3. Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA)
. 3a. Supplement 3
. 3b. Uniform Chart of Accounts
4. Federal and State Grants
5. Financial Statements
6. Financial and Compliance Audit
7. Cash Controls
8. Public Fund Deposits and Investments
9. Instructional Materials
10. Warehouse/Supply Inventory
11. Insurance
12. Capital Assets
13. Purchasing
14. Payroll
15. unassigned
16. Bonds, Capital Projects and Debt Service
17. Student Nutrition
18. Student Activity and Athletics
19. Transportation
20. Training and Travel
21. Records, Retention and Disposition
Tips, Tools and Resources
Acronyms and Glossary of Terms