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Municipal Schools

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Business Office

Business Services Department

The Business Services Team at Ruidoso Schools shall continually strive to achieve our agency’s mission and goals, and align our concentration on three major control categories – effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations. The team will emphasize strong fiscal control standards to be implemented in an effort to minimize fraud, waste, and misuse and support the focus of Ruidoso Municipal School’s Educational Plan for Student Success. The Business Services Team will assure the stakeholders that our team will continually assess and evaluate our internal control structure to assure that it is well designed, operated, and, appropriately updated to meet changing conditions and provide reasonable assurance that the District’s Mission is being met. Further, our department’s intent is to always provide relevant and reliable information and communicate it in a way that is meaningful – so that management may carry out their duties in an effective and efficient manner.


Financial Activities include oversight and management of Budgeting, Purchasing, Human Resources, Payroll, and Capital Programs. Our commitment to competence is achieved by recognizing the importance of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of our team as we strive to continually demonstrate the competencies necessary to protect and safeguard all District assets.

With greater numbers of informed citizens paying attention, Districts will be able to better gauge and respond to the needs of the public and to demonstrate that they have been accountable. “What You Should Know About Your Districts Finances”. Mead- (Excerpt from the “New Mexico Manual of Procedures for Public School Accounting and Budgeting”)








Business Services Contact Information

Director of Business and Finance 
Carmen Spann, Ext.7012
Business and Finance Manager/Chief Procurement Officer 
Veronica Prieto, Ext. 7011

Accounts Payable
Arcelia Marmolejo, Ext.7001