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Municipal Schools

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Power School



PowerSchool is the web-based Student Information System used by Ruidoso Schools for grades K - 12. Our goal is to establish positive and open communications with parents and guardians. Through the PowerSchool program we can provide access to your student's current grades and attendance via the internet. PowerSchool access for students and parents is provided for grades 5 - 12.

To access PowerSchool, please click on the appropriate link to the left. You will be prompted for your username and password. Please keep your password confidential so only you can access the information. A username and password for each student should have been sent to you at the beginning of the school year. If you did not receive this information or have misplaced it, please contact your child's school for assistance. Please watch the video below for instructions on how to create your parent PowerSchool account or view the written instructions.
Access to this system requires internet access. If you do not have access to the Internet from home or work, it is available for free at the public library.