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Nob Hill Early Childhood Center
The Nob Hill Early Childhood Center houses Ruidoso Municipal Schools full-day Kindergarten, programs for three and four-year-old children with developmental delays, New Mexico Pre-K and Head Start. The directors of each of these programs along with the principal of the kindergarten work closely to provide a seamless education for students ages three through five.
Teachers, instructional assistants, and specialists work together to provide optimal educational opportunities. Speech and language pathologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, bilingual program staff, a counselor, a Native American liaison, art and music teacher, and others work closely with the teaching staff to provide a well-rounded early childhood curriculum.
Students are taught using developmentally appropriate materials and strategies, as NHECC features thematic learning and active participation in hands-on learning activities. For reading instruction, kindergarten teachers use Wonders reading program, which is the first scientifically researched-based reading program that is completely aligned to the New Mexico Common Core State Standards. For math instruction, teachers use Math Investigations. This program encourages teachers and students to explore mathematical ideas through a deeper understanding of key mathematical concepts and an in-depth study of all the Common Core Standards of mathematics.
NHECC implemented the state-adopted CCSS (Common Core State Standards) in 2012.
Click here to see the kindergarten CCSS
. Kindergarten report cards are aligned to the CCSS as is daily instruction.
The kindergarten program at NHECC offers rigorous instruction and assessment. Short Cycle assessment measures include iStation as well as other curriculum-based assessments. Instructional decisions are based on data, as discussed using the PLC (professional learning community) format. NHECC uses a three tier model and framework to adjust instruction to student-learning needs. Through use of the SAT (Student Assistance Team) procedures, students’ specific intervention strategies are implemented and monitored. Time is provided for our teachers every Wednesday afternoon to have professional development as well as PLC discussions.
Attendance is taken daily at NHECC. Regular student attendance is essential for student success.
Click here to see our attendance brochure
Nob Hill embraces Conscious Discipline towards the efforts of teaching expected behaviors as well as rewarding and correcting student behavior. Click here to learn more about
Conscious Discipline.
The Nob Hill Preschool Program (Head Start and the three and four-year-old Developmentally Delayed Program) is one of the few public school programs in New Mexico to be accredited by the NAEYC, (National Association for Education of Young Children) which represents high standards in all areas of early childhood programming.
Nob Hill has been the recipient of numerous awards throughout its 56 years. To name a few: “ACRES National Exemplary Program Award” in 1992, “Invitational School Award” in 2000, “School on the Rise” in 207 and 2011, “Honoree for Community Recycling” in 2012, and continued Accreditation in 2016 from NAEYC and NCA/North Central. Nob Hill currently has a state-assigned grade of A.