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Final Proposal

Career Pathways - Final Proposal


Ruidoso Municipal School District, in partnership with the Ruidoso community, will meet the educational needs of all students by planning and delivering a meaningful and relevant student-centered curriculum where students are actively challenged to become productive citizens and lifelong learners in a global society.


All high school students will choose and actively pursue their own unique career paths. Students will graduate with marketable skills and the necessary academic credentials required to pursue higher learning and chosen careers.

Ruidoso High School will be recognized as a Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education by 2003-04.


A Career Pathway philosophy and program will be developed for grades K-12. Career awareness and exploration activities in grades K-8 will establish the foundation for development of an Individualized Career Plan (ICP) for each high school student. Through career activities, assessments and inventories, and advisement from school and home, students will be guided to identify personal strengths, passions, and possible career goals. The ICP will be a specific, individualized written road map to assist student decision making in areas of course selection, work experiences, internships, extracurricular activities, community experiences, volunteering, and other related activities to empower them to properly prepare and pursue their career goals and passions.

Career implies more than just a job; it includes education, work, and lifestyle. Achieving a successful career requires years of planning, studying, training, and hard work. To assist students in planning wisely, the district has developed six broad career clusters reflecting community input and career opportunities unique to our area. Within each path, numerous career pathways or opportunities have been identified. The career paths are areas of study that are flexible enough to meet student needs as they acquire new knowledge and experiences. Courses, internships, work experiences, extracurricular activities, and community partnerships will be further developed to support the six career paths and the development of an ICP by each student.

Career paths include:

Careers in this path are related to agriculture, the environment, and natural resources. They include jobs in construction, plumbing, electrical, welding mechanics, architecture, surveying, engineering, forestry, range management, landscaping, parks, horticulture, and meat processing.

Careers in this path are in the fields of business and marketing. They include opportunities in computer programming, software development, desktop publishing, computer networking, insurance, accounting, secretarial, management, and entreupeneurship.

Careers in this path are linked to the fields of hotel management, restaurateur, culinary, casino management, racetrack development and management, ski area development and management, and recreational parks.

Careers in this path are related to fields of medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary, forensics, chiropractic, pharmacy, paramedics, geology, technology, chemical and electrical engineering, and others.

Careers in this path are linked to the humanities and include performing and visual arts and communications media. They include careers such as sculpting, music, dancing, museum arts, gallery owner/manager, framing, foundry worker, author, publisher, artist and actor/actress.

These careers provide services related to people's needs, welfare, and personal safety. Careers include education, social work, police and protective services, law, counseling, childcare worker, ministry, and military.


Career Pathways Education and Advisement
  • K-8 Career Awareness and Exploration
  • Student assessments (beginning grade 7)
  • Ruidoso Career Planning Guidebooks (grades 9,10,11,12)
  • Student Career Portfolios
  • Advisory Period
  • Additional Counseling Services
Professional Development
  • Department -Long Term, Short Term Staff Training Plans
  • Emphasize AP, Pre AP
  • Vertical Articulation
  • Advisory Role Training
  • Staff Evaluation
  • Technology
Extension of Boundaries
  • Expand ENMU Collaboration
  • ITV/Virtual Classroom
Schedules/Graduation Requirements
  • 25 Credit To Graduate Beginning With the Freshman Class of 2002-03
  • Flex Schedule
  • New Course Development
Program Evaluation
  • State Mandated Assessments
  • EPSS, (Educational Plan for Student Success) Comprehensive Assessment System
  • Quality of Education Survey
  • Student Surveys
  • Development of New, Appropriate Assessment Strategies
Parent Communication
  • Implement additional communication links (PowerSchool, Advisor, etc.)
  • Revitalized Parent Council
  • Public Relations Campaign

Specific Academic Changes

Beginning with the 2002-03 Freshman Class, students will be required to complete three (3) math credits beginning with Algebra I

Beginning with the 2002-03 Freshman Class, students will be required to complete threee (3) science classes (one must be a lab science).

Success Skills
Beginning with the 2002-03 Freshman Class, students will be required to complete one (1) credit of Success Skills. Students are required to maintain a career portfolio/digital portfolio for four (4) years of school.

Beginning with the 2002-03 Freshman Class, students will be required to complete one-half - (1/2) credit of computers or technology.

Beginning the 2001-02 school year, participation in the Marching Band will count toward fulfillment of the Physical Education required credit as follows: A student may complete one (1) unit of Marching Band to take the place of the one (1) unit of Physical Education graduation requirement or may choose to complete one-half (1/2) unit of the physical education graduation requirement.

Introduction to Career Pathways
Beginning with the 2002-03 Freshman Class, students will have the option to enroll in one of three (3) introductory classes: (1) Introduction to Business/Media/Technology and Hospitality/Tourism, (2) Introduction to Fine Arts/Liberal Arts and Human Services, and (3) Introduction to Science/Engineering/Medicine and Industrial/Agricultural. Each course will provide three (3) twelve week practical, exploratory experiences to facilitate basic skills acquisition and promote informed career decision making.